Journals (2013 IF) :
- Lancet Infectious Diseases (IF 19.966)
- Cell Host & Microbe (IF 12.609)
- Clinical Infectious Diseases (IF 9.374)
- Reviews in Medical Virology (IF 7.615)
- AIDS (IF 6.407)
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (IF 5.993)
- Journal of Infectious Diseases (IF 5.848)
- Retrovirology (IF 5.657)
- Journal of Virology (IF 5.076)
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection (IF 4.578)
- Antiviral Research (IF 3.925)
- Virology (IF 3.367)
- Journal of Clinical Virology (IF 3.287)
- Journal of General Virology (IF 3.127)
- Journal of Neurovirology (IF 2.85)
- Advances in Virus Research (IF 2.844)
- Virus Research (IF 2.745)
- Viruses (IF 2.509)
- Current Opinion in Virology (IF 2.457)
- Journal of Medical Virology (IF 2.373)
- Virology Journal (IF 2.092)
- Archives of Virology (IF 2.03)
- Journal of Virological Methods (IF 1.9)
- Intervirology (IF 1.889)
- New Microbiologica (IF 1.667)
- Virus Genes (IF 1.769)
- Viral Immunology (IF 1.75)
- Future Virology (IF 0.962)
International Antiviral Society (IAV) USA promotes :
Associations :
International Cytokine and Interferon Society (ICIS / ISICR)
European Society for Virology (ESV)
European Society for Clinical Virology (ECSV)
[Italy] Società Italiana di Virologia (SIV) promotes :
[Italy] Società Italiana di Virologia Medica (SIVIM) promotes :
[Italy] Società Italiana di Microbiologia (SIM)
[Italy] Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani (AMCLI)
[Italy] Società Italiana Multidisciplinare per la Prevenzione delle Infezioni nelle Organizzazioni Sanitarie (SIMPIOS)
[Italy] Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive (INMI)
[Italy] Società Italiana di Malattia Infettive e Tropicali (SIMIT) promotes :
- [Italy] Italian Conference on AIDS and Retroviruses (ICAR)
[Sweden] Swedish Society for Virology (SSV)
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